Fine Matrix



Stellar MLS - Fine Details


Warning vs. Automatic Fine

Time To Correct Error before Fine

Fine Amount 

Repeat Offender Amount 

Accepting Backups in Directions Field Warning 3 Business Days $50 $100, $250, $500 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Accepting Backups In Remarks Field Warning 3 Business Days $50 $100, $250, $500 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Active Listing with No Showings in Directions Automatic Fine Automatic Fine $100 $250, $500, $1,000 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Active Listing with No Showings in Remarks Automatic Fine Automatic Fine $100 $250, $500, $1,000 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Agent/Office Branding on Listing Photos Automatic Fine Automatic Fine $100 $250, $500, $1,000 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Auction Properties Warning 3 Business Days $50 $100, $250, $500 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Branded Virtual Tour Automatic Fine Automatic Fine $100 $250, $500, $1,000 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Buyer Broker Agreement Form Violation Automatic Fine Automatic Fine $500 $2,500 within a 2 yr period; 3rd offense = hearing
Calling/Access Codes in Driving Directions Warning 3 Business Days $50 $100, $250, $500 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Calling/Access Codes in Remarks Warning 3 Business Days $50 $100, $250, $500 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Contact Information in Driving Directions Warning 3 Business Days $50 $100, $250, $500 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Contact information in Public Remarks Warning 3 Business Days $50 $100, $250, $500 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Copyright Infringement Automatic Fine Automatic Fine $100 $250, $500, $1,000 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Driving Directions Warning 3 Business Days $50 $100, $250, $500 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Failure to Report Sold Automatic Fine Automatic Fine $100 $250, $500, $1,000 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Incomplete Pre-construction Documentation Warning 3 Business Days $50 $100, $250, $500 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Incomplete Pre-construction Pricing  Warning 3 Business Days $50 $100, $250, $500 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Incorrect Bed/Bath Count Warning 3 Business Days $50 $100, $250, $500 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Incorrect Listing Status Automatic Fine Automatic Fine $100 $250, $500, $1,000 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Incorrect Map Location Warning 3 Business Days $50 $100, $250, $500 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Incorrect Photo in 1st Photo Slot Warning 3 Business Days $50 $100, $250, $500 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Incorrect Selling Agent Warning 3 Business Days $50 $100, $250, $500 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Incorrect Subdivision Warning 3 Business Days $50 $100, $250, $500 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Invalid Garage/Carport Warning 3 Business Days $50 $100, $250, $500 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Invalid Out of State Listing Warning 3 Business Days $50 $100, $250, $500 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Invalid Property Type Warning 3 Business Days $50 $100, $250, $500 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Invalid Sold Price Warning 3 Business Days $50 $100, $250, $500 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Invalid Virtual Tour Warning 3 Business Days $50 $100, $250, $500 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Listing Contains No Photos Warning 3 Business Days $50 $100, $250, $500 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Listing Manipulation Automatic Fine Automatic Fine $500 $1,000, 5,000, $15,000 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Exempt Listings - Property Not Active in MLS System being Marketed Automatic Fine Automatic Fine $500 $2,500 within a 2 yr period; 3th offense = hearing
Open House in Directions Warning 3 Business Days $50 $100, $250, $500 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Open House Information in Public Remarks Warning 3 Business Days $50 $100, $250, $500 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Photo Violation Automatic Fine Automatic Fine $100 $250, $500, $1,000 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Possible Incorrect/Incomplete Information Warning 3 Business Days $50 $100, $250, $500 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Possible Incorrect Acreage /Lot Size Warning 3 Business Days $50 $100, $250, $500 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Prohibited Commission/Compensation Verbiage Violation Automatic Fine Automatic Fine $500 $2,500 within a 2 yr period; 3rd offense = hearing
Prohibited Concession Format Automatic Fine Automatic Fine $500 $2,500 within a 2 yr period; 3rd offense = hearing
Required Signatures on Listings and Changes Automatic Fine Automatic Fine $500 $1,000, $5,000, $15,000 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Signage Visible in Listing Photos Automatic Fine Automatic Fine $100 $250, $500, $1,000 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Text/Graphics on Listing Photos Automatic Fine Automatic Fine $100 $250, $500, $1,000 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Use of external use/export of member contact information from Matrix Automatic Fine Automatic Fine $2,500 $5,000 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
URL in Public Remarks Warning 3 Business Days $50 $100, $250, $500 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Virtual Staging Automatic Fine Automatic Fine $100 $250, $500, $1,000 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Allowing unauthorized access Internal Automatic Fine Automatic Fine $500 $1,000, $5,000 withing a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Allowing unauthorized access External Automatic Fine Automatic Fine $2,500 $5,000 within a 2 yr period; 4th offense = hearing
Courtesy Notices sent out by the system        
Pending with Past Expected Closing Date Courtesy Notice      
Courtesy Expiration Notice Courtesy Notice      
Courtesy Pending Notice Courtesy Notice      
Courtesy TOM Courtesy Notice      
End Date of Lease PRIOR Courtesy Notice Courtesy Notice      
End Date of Lease PAST Courtesy Notice Courtesy Notice      
***Not correcting listings after a fine has been paid Automatic Fine Automatic Fine Escalating Schedule $25 Each Week Listing Is Not Corrected, Up to 30 Days, In Addition To Paying Fine