Section 5: Use of Office / Firm And Agent Ranking Data
External use Information from MLS compilations of current listing information, from statistical reports, and from any sold or comparable report of the association or MLS may be used by MLS participants as the basis for aggregated demonstrations of market share or comparisons of firms in public mass-media advertising or in other public representations. This authority does not convey the right to include in any such advertising or representation information about specific properties which are listed with other participants, or which were sold by other participants (as either listing or cooperating broker). However, any print or non-print forms of advertising or other forms of public representations based in whole or in part on information supplied by the association or its MLS must clearly demonstrate the period of time over which such claims are based and must include the following, or substantially similar, notice: Disclaimer: (NAR disclaimer and add source (agent/broker) must be disclosed in addition to the search criteria if published –to be fine-tuned upon decision). Note: NAR language only allows for Participants to distribute the information Note: NAR language only allows for Participants to distribute the information